A time served apprentice with 12 years of experience in the marine industry, I started out in commercial ship repair before moving over to the super yacht industry where I have worked both in yards and on board as an engineer. This has given me a wide range of skills and knowledge within the marine industry allowing me to work on almost any systems on board. Knowledge of these systems also relates well to other industries such as manufacturing and production, mining, power generation, infrastructure and most heavy industry.
My speciality however lies in the overhaul and installation of marine propulsion systems, main engines, gearboxes and drive train or “Tail End” work. Which has allowed me to gain a lot of experience with laser alignment, this incudes shaft line bearing alignment as well as engine and gearbox alignment, along with pump to motor alignments both in the horizontal and vertical planes.
Some recent projects:
Some recent and interesting work includes assisting Meca Diesel, a French company, in the overhaul of some of the Deutz 628 back-up generators on the European space agencies launch site in French Guiana where we changed the main bearings and assisted with the following rebuild and run up.

We also attended the break down of another 628 on FRPD 309, a dredging vessel on the Fraser river, Vancouver. This turned out to be a failed bearing in the timing gear, which caused the engine to seize and led to a complete overhaul of the timing gears and the main engine.

I also had the opportunity to assist Southampton Marine services with the 60,000 hour service of 2 Ruston RK270’s. This involved splitting and lifting the engine block to gain access to the crank shaft, replacing all the white metal bearings and all the pistons, conrods and liners.